
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things to do till you decide and get a Telescope (min 2 months)

Yes, do not decide and buy a telescope in haste. Take more time as you will understand it better. Be involved in browsing through products and making comparisons, reading reviews etc and keep adding stars to your list of telescopes. At the same time you need to go through a lot of reading, browsing and learning too.

I cannot suggest what are the perfect things to do before you start astronomy but i can describe the stuff i did (and it worked). All you need to do is, to do things which expand your knowledge base in astronomy. Without a strong foundation of knowledge one cannot expect to progress in any area.

Sounds boring ? Astronomy and boring ? Of course you can make the most interesting things boring if you don't know the right way to do it. Lets do it my way. I did not find it boring so it might work for you too. To make astronomy work for you, you have to break the barrier.

You might not want to end up like this as shown in BBC Stargazing Live:

So, We need to understand the basic stuff first. These basics will be covered one by one in the following posts.

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